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The Source Mage GNU/Linux Organizational Chart

We have 11 active developers, listed below.

If you're wondering how to become a developer then please read the Contribution page.

See also the Source Mage Glossary and Developer Organization.

Council of Elders (Lead Developers and Assistants)

Name Position/Section IRC nick E-mail address
Eric Sandall Lead Developer sandalle :Mage:c2FuZGFsbGVAc291cmNlbWFnZS5vcmc=
Jeremy Blosser Lead Developer emrys :Mage:amJsb3NzZXJAc291cmNlbWFnZS5vcmc=
Justin Boffemmyer Cauldron Lead flux_control :Mage:Zmx1eEBzb3VyY2VtYWdlLm9yZw==
Treeve Jelbert Lead Developer, database and telephony Guru treeve :Mage:dHJlZXZlQHNvdXJjZW1hZ2Uub3Jn
Vlad Glagolev Project Lead, Grimoire Lead Stealth :Mage:c3RlYWx0aEBzb3VyY2VtYWdlLm9yZw==

Circle of Mages (General Developers)

Name Position/Section IRC nick E-mail address
David C. Haley General Guru SilverSlayer :Mage:c2lsdmVyc2xheWVyQHNvdXJjZW1hZ2Uub3Jn
Florian Franzmann General Guru |beowulf| :Mage:YmVvd3VsZkBzb3VyY2VtYWdlLm9yZw==
Ismael Luceno General Guru ismaell :Mage:aXNtYWVsQHNvdXJjZW1hZ2Uub3Jn
Pavel Vinogradov General Guru public :Mage:cHVibGljQHNvdXJjZW1hZ2Uub3Jn
Remko van der Vossen General Guru wich :Mage:d2ljaEBzb3VyY2VtYWdlLm9yZw==
Thomas Orgis General Guru sobukus :Mage:c29idWt1c0Bzb3VyY2VtYWdlLm9yZw==

Grimoire sections antivirus, archive, archive-libs, audio-creation, audio-drivers, audio-libs, audio-players, audio-plugins, audio-soft, chat-im, chat-libs, collab, compiz-fusion, desktop-themes, devel, display, doc, editors, education, fonts-tex, fonts-x11, gnome3-apps, gnome3-libs, gnu, gnustep-apps, gnustep-libs, graphics, graphics-libs, ham, haskell, http, i18n, java, kde4, kde4-apps, kde4-bindings, kde4-edu, kde4-graphics, kde4-look, kde4-multimedia, kde4-support, kernels, libs, lxde, mobile, news, odbc-drivers, php-pear, printer, qt5, ruby-raa, science, science-libs, security, security-libs, shell-term-fm, spelling, telephony, utils, video, video-libs, windowmanagers, wm-addons, x11, x11-libs, x11-toolkits, xorg-app, xorg-data, xorg-doc, xorg-driver, xorg-extras, xorg-font, xorg-lib, xorg-proto, xorg-util and xorg-xserver are currently un-maintained but are mostly up to date. Many developers have project subscriptions for their particular spells and are walk in walk out positions.
Contact the Grimoire Team Lead for more information.

For more detailed information about every developer see the Authors.

Hall of Fame is dedicated to past developers.